The workshop will be held in ARC’ANTIQUE, 26 rue de la Haute Forêt, 44300 Nantes, France
In case of problem please contact Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou : mobile (0033) 6 37 45 99 97
TRAM LINE 2 - Direction : Orvault Grand Val
Take the tram to Commerce station until Michelet Sciences station.
Turn to your steps on the Boulevard Michelet until you find the Rue de la Haute Forêt on your left.
If you wish me to pick you up to the City Center, please inform me of your arrival time and date in Nantes Airport.
10h | Arrival of the participants |
10h30 | Presentation of the Icon Network project by Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou |
11h | Scientific photographs on the studied icons (U.V, I.R, X-Rays) by Jean-Gabriel Aubert |
12h30 | End of the morning session |
14h | The olifa cleaning and the private collections. Some examples of abusive cleaning by Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou |
14h30 | The Russian icon collection of the Byzantine Museum in Athens by Maria Filippoussi |
15h | Round table concerning the cleaning methods followed by the participants |
16h | Coffee break |
16h15 | Organisation of the practice part of the workshop |
17h | End of the evening session |
9h30 | The olifa problems on Russian icons in Valamo by Helena Nikkanen |
10h | The olifa varnish chemical composition by Elena Azarnina. Historic of the cleaning methods practiced in the past. The code of ethics of cleaning varnishes in Russia. |
11h | Coffee break |
11h | Modern cleaning methods in Russia. Some examples in the State Russian Museum in Saint-Petersbourg |
12h30 | End of the morning session |
14h | Study of the scientific photographs. Diagnostic and protocol of cleaning on the icons during the workshop |
16h00 | End of the evening session |
9h30 | Practice workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
11h | Coffee break |
11h30 | Round table |
12h30 | End of the morning session |
14h | Workshop |
17h | End of the evening session |
9h30 | Workshop |
11h | Coffee break |
11h30 | Workshop |
12h30 | End of the morning session |
14h | Workshop |
16h00 | Photographs under U.V and I.R light of the cleaned icons |
17h | Conclusions and final report of the workshop |
18h30 - 20h | Visit to the Fine Art Museum |
10h | Visit to the Château des Ducs de Bretagne |
12h30 | Lunch in the "Oubliettes" restaurant in the Château des Ducs |
14h30 | Meeting of the Icon Network partners |
18h | Icon Network Reception in the Château des Ducs de Bretagne:
> Opening presentation by Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou
> Presentation of the exibition "Tresors of the refugees" by M. Dimitrios Konstantios, Director of the Byzantine Museum in Athens.
> Presentation of the Iconostasis conservation workshop in Valamo, Finland, by Riikka Köngas
> Presentation of the web portal by Karen Lavot, graphic designer
> Virtual exibitions "Tresors of the refugees" and "Icons and people"
> Cocktail reception |
Buses and tramways’ map in the center of Nantes :

Atelier de Conservation-Restauration d’Œuvres Peintes (Nantes, France),
The Byzantine and Christian Museum (Athens, Greece),
The Valamo Art Conservation Institute (Uusi Valamo, Finland).