Programme supported by the European Commission

Icon Network association

Icon Network > About Icon-Network > Icon Network association

Wednesday 7 January 2009, by Icon Network

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ICON-NETWORK web site belongs to ICON-NETWORK project and is supported by the European Commission. The association has been founded by 3 partners which are:

Atelier de Conservation-Restauration d’Œuvres Peintes (France)

Mrs Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou, Conservator and Coordinator of the project
Phone/fax : (+33) 0637459997
Email :

The Valamo Conservation Institute (Uusi-Valamo, Finland)

Phone : (+358) 17 57 01 727
Email :

Byzantin & Christian Museum (Athens, Greece)

Phone : (+30) 210 72 11 027 – (+ 30) 210 72 91 544
Email :

The Icon Network Association committee board

- Ms Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou (President), Atelier de Conservation restauration d’œuvres Peintes, Nantes, France,
- Ms Maria Filippoussi (Vice-president), Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece,
- Ms Riikka Köngas (secretary), Valamo Institute of Conservation, Uusi-Valamo, Finland,
- Ms Jenny Perdikari (vice secretary), Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece,
- Ms Catherine Ruel (treasurer), Atelier de Conservation restauration d’œuvres Peintes, Nantes, France,
- Ms Artemis Stamatelou (vice-treasurer), Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, France.

Association Icon Network: 16 ter boulevard de la Prairie-au-Duc – 44000 Nantes, France
Siret 510 259 666 - 00012


1- Strategic framework

1.1 Mission
To develop, share and preserve knowledge needed for the conservation of icons.

1.2 Objectives
- Facilitate sharing of published and unpublished research. Support collaborative research projects amongst members to develop new knowledge.
- Stimulate critical debate on the roles and working practices of all professionals involved in the study, and reseach of icon conservation. Foster network expansion.

1.3 Strategies
- Disseminate information via a continually updated website.
- Devise common methods and vocabularies for conserving icons.
- Promote technical analysis projects as important methods for collecting information on materials and techniques.
- Develop and implement collaborative projects to create new knowledge, good practice and professional and educational tools.
- Share this knowledge through symposia, meetings and workshops.

1.4 Governing Values
- Openness
- Icon Network members are committed to disseminating information and sharing their knowledge and research results.

Active Participation for the Collective Good. Icon Network relies on the generosity and enthusiasm of its members to contribute information and knowledge and participate in research projects, not only for individual gain but also for collective good.

2- Membership

2.1 General
Membership is free and on an individual basis. Members come from diverse proffessions but all have an interest or are directly involved in the conservation of icons. Members contribute their time and share their research, often prodused during their normal working practice.

2.2 Criteria
Members are professionals that have an interest in or are directly involved in the conservation, art history and research of icons.
Members either work for a recognized organisation or are freelance and can be endorsed by an existing Icon Network member.
Members have relevant knowledge and published resources which can be shared with their peers.
Members endorse the governing values of the Icon Network.

2.3 Network Contribution
Members are expected to carry out the following :
- Contribute their published research or make other contributions to the Icon Network as described below.
- Provide appropriate copyright restrictions on any resources shared with fellow members.
- Share news on relevant research and student projects that the member or partner organisation is involved in.

2.4 Termination of Membership
The Central Coordinator keeps track of member contributions. In consultation with the Central Coordinator may terminate membership if the member does not contribute to the network or respect the governing values of the organisation.

3- Structure and governance

3.1 General
Icon Network is made possible through active participation of its members and the generosity of the partner organisations they work for. Central network and web hosting is supported by the Atelier de Conservation Restauration d’œuvres Peintes, Nantes, France. A Committee of members from the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens and of the Valamo Art Conservation Center in Finland, work together with the coordinator to determine strategies and implement Icon Network’s objectives.

3.2 Central Coordinator
The main responsibilities of the Central Coordinator are : General network coordination. Upkeep of the Icon Network website and database.

3.3 Steering Committee
The Steering Committee represents the Icon Network members. The committee is made uf of 7 members including the Icon Network Central Coordinator who acts as President.
A general assembly will be held once a year after call of the president.
Participation in the Steering Committee is on a volunteer basis and members are committed to carry out the following tasks :
Provide advice to help the Central Coordinator determine network strategies and projects.
Be an ambassador for the network ; promote the network’s activities and encourage new membership.
Provide feedback or contribute text to network documents.

Amendments to the By-laws

These by-laws may be altered, amended or repealed, and new By-laws may be adopted, by a majority decision made by membersof the Icon Network Steering Committee.
Proposals for changes in the By-laws can be sent out by email via the Central Coordinator, who will then ensure that the matter is discussed and decided on during the next annual general assembly. Members will be informed of any changes to the by-laws.

Nantes january 7th, 2009
