![]() About Icon-Network Web Site Legal MentionsIcon Network
> About Icon-Network
> Legal Mentions
Wednesday 7 January 2009, by Icon Network The icon-network.org domain is the legal property of Kiriaki Tsesmeloglou for the Icon-Network project. Texts, illustrations and other contents (except those belonging to other persons or domains), are the exclusive property of the icon-network.org website and are protected by copyright laws. Articles which are posted in this web site are protected by the copyright of their author. Authors who intend to post their articles and papers on icon-network.org have to sign the agreement convention, permiting the icon-network.org to publish their images and texts,for educational and publicity purposes for as long as the Icon-Networkg project is active. Design and development were created by RENKE - Karen Lavot-Bouscarle and are also protected by copyright laws. Illustrations and graphic design are also the exclusive property of Karen Lavot-Bouscarle (Siret : 497819722-00016 - Maison des artistes : L780657). www.renke.fr — contact@renke.fr In case of any malfunction problems, send an email to this address: karen.lavot@icon-network.org to inform us of the nature of the problems encountered. In accordance with article L. 122-4 of French intellectual property rights, all reproductions,(either partiall or total) which are not intended for private use and which do not have written autorisation from the author are strictly forbidden on pain of legal proceedings for forgery in accordance with articles L. 335-2 and following of the intellectual property rights. Any persons interested to reproduce an article or part of an article of this web site on their own web sites, must request permission from the Icon Network Committee. All interested persons must submit the name of the author, website and the link to the revelant webpage. Any personal information given by authors to the Icon Network website will be treated in accordance to French privacy laws and will not be given to third parties without their concent. In accordance with the French law of January 6th, 1978, users who have submitted any private information on this site have the right to access and correct their personal data by accessing this page : http://listes.lilabox.fr/wws/info/icon-network. The use of hypertext links can lead your consultation from this site to other websites, which do not belong to the Icon Netwrok domain and for which we do not have any responsibility. Web hosting Clicasso, France : www.clicasso.fr |